As the year 2015 comes to a close we look forward to all the excitement to come in 2016 with the upcoming Presidential election (ha ha ha). Should prove to be entertaining and kind of interesting. Speaking of interesting, 2015 was a busy year with some projects being completed and others proceeding along and some new ones being started. My big news is that after 20 years of being gone from Adams & Longino Advertising, I decided to go back to work there, and the crazy thing is they let me come back. I still have Strategic Marketing & Design going. So far I’ve been able to fulfill my obligations to my clients and appreciate the business they’ve sent my way.
With all the strife that seems to be going on the world, we hope your 2016 is filled with peace, joy, health and happiness.
Below are some photos (along with our Christmas card) showing a few of the highlights of our year.
Sheri & Helaina went to Disney World in January and then to Tennessee in October. During that time I was able to get quite a bit of firewood cut for them to help me stack when they got back home.We had some 80+ truckloads of trees hauled off to the mill in April and May, now we’re hoping to replant soon! Looking to put in some Long Leaf pine if possible.Took a side trip to Hershey PA., in July to pick up another Sunoco sign for my collection. While there we had to go to Chocolate World.We shared a garden with our neighbors this year and planted a full row of family heirloom green beans. They sure do taste good.New project here, working on moving this house to the yard in Jan or Feb 2016, whenever the rain will stop. Who needs a man-cave when you can have a man-house. And of course our post wouldn’t be complete without a photo showing Helaina’s Birthday yard sign – 14 yrs old this year.